Free 75 Soft Challenge Tracker Printable - New! (2024)

Are you ready to make a positive change in your lifestyle but looking for something less intense than the popular 75 Hard program?

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Meet the 75 Soft Challenge, a more adaptable approach designed to help you form lasting healthy habits over the course of 75 days.

Unlike its stricter counterpart, the 75 Soft Challenge promotes gradual improvement and personalization, making it an excellent choice for those wanting to focus on sustainable progress without overwhelming pressure.

Our daily lives can be hectic, and finding balance is essential. The 75 Soft Challenge acknowledges this by providing guidelines that encourage consistency through moderate exercise and self-care tasks that nourish both body and mind.

And with our free 75 Soft Challenge PDF, you can easily record your nutrition choices, water intake, and other activities crucial to your well-being while on this challenge.

This tracker not only serves as a visual reminder of your goals, it also acts as a partner in accountability during your journey. It also helps track the necessary physical health components for the challenge, while also extending into helping you master self-discipline and creating healthier routines that last a lifetime.

Ready to transform your life one day at a time? Keep reading to grab your free 75 Soft Tracker Printable today!

See What's Inside

  • What is the 75 Soft Challenge?
    • 75 Soft Challenge Rules
    • The Difference Between 75 Hard and 75 Soft (75 Hard vs 75 Soft)
  • 75 Soft Challenge Benefits
  • Tips for 75 Soft Challenge Success
  • Grab Your Free 75 Soft Challenge Printable Tracker Here
      • Get Access to Our Free Resource Library 🖨️
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs
    • Can you switch from 75 Hard to 75 Soft?
    • What is the 75 Soft Challenge Tracker Printable?
    • How can I use this printable for my 75 Soft fitness challenge?
    • Do you have any additional trackers besides the 75 Soft Challenge checklist?

What is the 75 Soft Challenge?

The 75 Soft Challenge is a modified version of the popular75 Hard Challengecreated by Andy Frisella. It focuses on improving physical and mental health through daily habits, over a period of 75 days, with a more flexible approach compared to its counterpart.

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75 Soft Challenge Rules

  • Eat well (opt for healthy eating habits that fit into social occasions without feeling deprived)
  • Reserve alcohol consumption for social gatherings
  • Drink 3 liters of water daily
  • Complete one 45-minute workout a day
  • Read 10 pages of any book every day

The Difference Between 75 Hard and 75 Soft (75 Hard vs 75 Soft)

75 Hard and 75 Soft cater to different goals, focusing onmental toughness and flexibility, respectively.

75 Hard Challenge75 Soft Challenge
FocusMental toughnessFlexibility and balance
DietStrict diet with no cheat mealsEat well, with moderation in mind
ExerciseTwo 45-minute workouts per day, one outdoorsOne 45-minute workout per day
Water IntakeOne gallon of water per day3 liters per day
Alcohol and Cheat MealsNot permittedAlcohol allowed in social settings; flexibility in meals
Reading10 pages of non-fiction per dayIncluded, but customized to personal goals
Progress PictureRequired dailyProgress photos are optional

💡Note: It’s always a good idea to seek advice from healthcare professionals before starting a new wellness plan, especially if you have existing medical conditions or are considering switching from a more demanding program like 75 Hard. Your doctor can provide valuable guidance and ensure that you’re taking the right steps for your health and well-being.

75 Soft Challenge Benefits

While the 75 Hard Challenge has gained popularity for its strict and demanding regimen, the biggest difference is that the 75 Soft Challenge offers a more balanced and accessible alternative.

This modified challenge presents several distinct benefits, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a transformative journey without the extreme rigidity of 75 Hard:

  • Sustainability:One of the primary advantages of 75 Soft is its sustainable nature. By allowing flexibility in certain areas, such as diet and the occasional social drink, you’ll likely maintain a healthier relationship with your routines over the long term. This adaptability makes it easier to incorporate the challenge into a busy lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Improved Physical Health:The 75 Soft Challenge still emphasizes physical health, with a daily workout and water intake requirement. These habits can lead to increased energy, weight loss, and improved overall fitness.
  • Mental Toughness: While the 75 Hard Challenge focuses heavily on mental toughness, the 75 Soft Challenge also encourages it through its flexibility and balance. By staying committed to your goals without being too rigid, you’ll develop the mental fortitude to navigate challenges and setbacks outside of the challenge.
  • Reduced Physical Strain:Unlike 75 Hard, which mandates two daily workouts, 75 Soft opts for a single 45-minute exercise session instead, complemented by weekly active recovery rest days. This approach minimizes the risk of burnout and injury, promoting a more balanced and injury-resistant fitness journey.
  • Enhanced Mental Well-Being:The 75 Soft Challenge encourages you to prioritize mental wellness through daily reading. The act of reading 10 pages from any book not only fosters knowledge acquisition but also provides a valuable escape from daily stressors, promoting better mental health. By combining daily exercise with hydration and reading, your body becomes fitter while your mind grows stronger.
  • Increased Self-Awareness:The less restrictive nature of 75 Soft allows for more introspection and self-awareness. With time to reflect on your journey and make adjustments as needed, you can learn more about yourself and how to best support your health and wellness goals.
  • Realistic Lifestyle Integration: While the 75 Hard Challenge may feel restrictive and unsustainable for some, the 75 Soft Challenge allows for a more realistic integration into daily life. By incorporating small changes and habits that can be maintained long-term, you can achieve lasting results without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.

Tips for 75 Soft Challenge Success

To succeed in the 75 Soft Challenge, consider the following tips:

  1. Start Your Day Right: Beginning your day with a positive mindset and a clear plan can be a great way to ensure success in the 75 Soft Challenge. Consider a morning routine that includes hydration, a healthy breakfast, and setting intentions for the day. Also, if possible, schedule your physical activity in the morning. It’s a great way to jump-start your day and energize yourself for what’s ahead.
  2. Choose Enjoyable Physical Activities: The best way to stick to the fitness program is to pick exercises that you actually enjoy. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or a dance class, find physical activities that you look forward to each day and those 45 minutes of exercise will zip on by. The 75 Soft Challenge should feel like a manageable middle ground between no exercise and extremely intense workouts.
  3. Hydration is Key: Being intentional about your hydration is crucial for 75 Soft success. Carrying your water bottle with you everywhere you go is a good start and makes it easier to ensure you’re drinking enough water. For more variety and to make drinking water more appealing, consider adding in zero-calorie flavored water packets or electrolyte powders. (For my U.S. readers, the goal of 3 liters a day is equivalent to roughly 13 cups or a little over 3 (32-ounce) water bottles.) This simple yet intentional habit can have a profound positive impact on your energy levels and overall good health.
  4. Focus on Nutrition: Pay attention to what you eat as much as you focus on your physical activity. Opting for balanced and nutritious meals can lead to better habits and physical changes. Try new recipes to keep things fresh.
  5. Prioritize Rest and Recovery: Remember that rest is as important as exercise. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep every night to recover and be ready for the next day.
  6. Use a Tracker or Journal: Using daily trackers is a good way to monitor your progress. It can be fulfilling to see how far you’ve come and can help in identifying areas for improvement.
  7. Learn from Setbacks:It’s normal to have setbacks on your fitness journey. Instead of beating yourself up, use any missed days or rule breaks as learning opportunities and motivation to push forward. Reflect on what caused the setback and how you can prevent it in the future.

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Grab Your Free 75 Soft Challenge Printable Tracker Here

Staying on top of the 75 Soft Challenge requires planning and tracking. Our free printables make it simple to follow your daily habits and stick to the 75 Soft program.

To effectively utilize the Free 75 Soft Challenge Printable Tracker, here are some tips and insights into its features:

  • 26-Page Soft Challenge Planner: This comprehensive planner is designed to guide you through the entire 75 Soft Challenge. Use it to map out your plan for the 75 days, including setting specific goals and outlining your daily routines. It’s a powerful tool for keeping a record of your journey and insights.
  • Soft Challenge Rules Overview: Familiarize yourself with the core principles of the 75 Soft Challenge. This section provides a clear summary of the rules, helping you to stay on track and understand the fundamental aspects of the challenge.
  • Soft Challenge Poster: Place this poster in a visible area as a daily reminder and motivator. It’s a great way to keep the challenge at the forefront of your mind and stay committed to your goals.
  • Questions to Find ‘Your Why’: Understanding your motivation for taking on the challenge is essential. This section helps you to dig deeper into your personal reasons and driving forces.
  • Daily Checklists and Soft Trackers: Use these tools to monitor your daily progress. They help ensure you’re meeting the challenge’s requirements, like exercise, hydration, and reading. You’ll also be able to plan your meals, log your daily food intake, and organize your grocery shopping to ensure you’re nourishing your body adequately. Regular tracking can significantly enhance your commitment and progress.
  • Body Measurement Trackers: To better observe your physical changes while on the challenge, use the body measurement tracker to record your various body measurements. It’s a great way to visualize your progress and stay motivated.
  • Daily Notes Section: Use this space for personal reflections, jotting down challenges, successes, or any thoughts and feelings you have throughout the challenge.

Get your hands on our free 75 Soft Challenge Printable Tracker by clicking here or the images above and start tracking your daily tasks and progress towards your personal development and fitness goals today!

⬇️Get this free 75 soft printable, a free 75 hard printable, and many more free printables by signing up for my free resource library below ⬇️

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Thoughtful, inspiring printables, affirmations, and other resourcesdesigned to help women live their best lives.💕

Check Out This 75 Soft Experience & Testimonial!

Want more of a challenge? Check out my post on the 75 Hard Challenge if you’re ready for an extra push. Plus grab a free 75 Hard printable!

You may also enjoy: Free 75 Medium Challenge Printable Tracker


While the 75 Hard Challenge demands a higher level of intensity and discipline, 75 Soft focuses on achievable and sustainable changes that integrate smoothly into your daily life.

However, both challenges are still powerful tools for personal growth and development. (If you find yourself intrigued by a greater challenge, be sure to check out my post on the 75 Hard Challenge, which also includes a free planner too.)

No matter which challenge you commit to, you’re making a conscious effort to improve yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally through new habits.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming your best self!

Remember to stay focused, track your progress, and use your ‘why’ as motivation when things get tough.

And most importantly, enjoy the journey and celebrate your successes along the way.

Good luck on your 75 Soft Challenge! Keep pushing and becoming stronger every day.

Until next time,

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Can you switch from 75 Hard to 75 Soft?

Yes! Switching from 75 Hard to 75 Soft is totally doable, and it’s completely up to you. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to adjust your mindset and expectations accordingly. The 75 Soft Challenge offers a more balanced and forgiving approach, making it flexible for various lifestyles and medical conditions while still providing the mental toughness challenge you’re looking for.

What is the 75 Soft Challenge Tracker Printable?

The 75 Soft Challenge Tracker Printable is a free, easy-to-use daily habit tracker that helps you follow the soft challenge rules and monitor your progress toward new healthy habits.

How can I use this printable for my 75 Soft fitness challenge?

You can use the printable to keep track of your exercise program, your meals, how much water you drink each day, and other personal development goals as part of this transformative mental toughness program

Do you have any additional trackers besides the 75 Soft Challenge checklist?

Yes. You’ll find additional trackers available as digital downloads for the 75 Hard Challenge on my 75 Hard post here.

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LaToya RachelleHead of Content

LaToya Rachelle, author and creator of, is dedicated to empowering women on their journey to self-discovery and personal growth. Through her writings, she shares insights on self-care, happiness, manifestation, success habits, and more, and provides invaluable tools to help you unleash your fullest potential. Join LaToya as she inspires and guides you to become the best version of yourself.

See Full Bio

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